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Launch an emulator and return a Promise of the instance of the emulator.


Here is an example of its basic usage:

const nostalgist = await Nostalgist.launch({
core: 'fceumm',
rom: 'flappybird.nes',

A more complex example:

const nostalgist = await Nostalgist.launch({
element: document.querySelector('.emulator-canvas'),
// Will load and as the launching core
// Because of the custom `resolveCoreJs` and `resolveCoreWasm` options
core: 'fbneo',
// Will load as the ROM
// Because of the custom `resolveRom` option
rom: [''],
// Will load as the ROM
// Because of the custom `resolveBios` option
bios: [''],
// Custom configuration for RetroArch
retroarchConfig: {
rewind_enable: true,
savestate_thumbnail_enable: true,
// Specify where to load the core files
resolveCoreJs(core) {
return `${core}_libretro.js`
resolveCoreWasm(core) {
return `${core}_libretro.wasm`
// Specify where to load the ROM files
resolveRom(file) {
return `${file}`
// Specify where to load the BIOS files
resolveBios(bios) {
return `${bios}`


  • options

    type: Object

    This argument describes how will the emulator and the game be launched.

    • element

      type: string | HTMLCanvasElement default: an empty string ''

      Use this option to specify the canvas element you want to launch the emulator with. If it’s an string, we will look up the element by document.querySelector.

      If it’s an empty string, a canvas element will be created automatically and this canvas element will be append to document.body.

    • core

      type: string | { name: string, js: resolvable file, wasm: resolvable file }

      The core represent the emulator we are going to use. Since we are using RetroArch compiled by Emscripten under the hood, we need to pass the compiled js file and wasm file here.

      If you pass a string here, by default, we will lookup the corresponding core at this GitHub repository retroarch-emscripten-build, which contains the official build cores from libretro buildbot , and then the core will be loaded via jsDelivr, a public free CDN that can load files from GitHub with CORS support.

      For example, if you pass snes9x here, these 2 files will be loaded:

      That’s because there is a default resolveCoreJs option that can resolve strings like snes9x to links above. By default, we support these cores from retroarch-emscripten-build:

      2048, arduous, bk, bluemsx, chailove, craft, ecwolf, fbalpha2012_cps1, fbalpha2012_cps2, fbalpha2012, fbalpha2012_neogeo, fceumm, freechaf, galaksija, gambatte, gearboy, gearcoleco, gearsystem, genesis_plus_gx, genesis_plus_gx_wide, gme, gong, gw, handy, jaxe, jumpnbump, lowresnx, lutro, mame2000, mame2003, mame2003_plus, mednafen_lynx, mednafen_ngp, mednafen_pce_fast, mednafen_vb, mednafen_wswan, mgba, minivmac, mrboom, mu, neocd, nestopia, numero, nxengine, o2em, opera, pcsx_rearmed, picodrive, pocketcdg, prboom, quasi88, quicknes, retro8, snes9x2002, snes9x2005, snes9x2010, snes9x, squirreljme, tgbdual, theodore, tic80, tyrquake, uw8, uzem, vaporspec, vba_next, vecx, vice_x128, vice_x64, vice_x64sc, vice_xcbm2, vice_xcbm5x0, vice_xpet, vice_xplus4, vice_xscpu64, vice_xvic, virtualxt, vitaquake2-rogue, vitaquake2-xatrix, vitaquake2-zaero, vitaquake2, wasm4, x1, xrick

      If you want to specify how to use your custom cores, a custom resolveCoreJs can be implemented by your self to achieve this.

      You can also pass an Object instead of a string to load data from custom urls as the core. Here’s an example.

      await Nostalgist.launch({
      core: {
      js: '',
      name: 'snes9x',
      wasm: '',
      rom: '',

      The core.js and core.wasm options can be an resolvable file as well.

    • rom

      type: resolvable file | Array

      The game ROM file.

      If it’s a string and starts with https:// or http:// or //, it will be treated as a URL, and a request will be made to load the ROM from that url. Otherwise it will be passed to resolveRom option to load the ROM.

      There is a default resolveRom mechanism that can load free ROMs from retrobrews, a project hosting lots of free homebrew ROMs. For example,

      await Nostalgist.launch({
      core: 'fceumm',
      rom: 'flappybird.nes',

      This will load flappybird.nes from the repository retrobrews/nes-games.

      We will use the extension name of the rom option to determine which repository to load ROM from. Here is the related code implementation:

      const romRepo = {
      '.bin': 'retrobrews/md-games',
      '.gb': 'retrobrews/gbc-games',
      '.gba': 'retrobrews/gba-games',
      '.gbc': 'retrobrews/gbc-games',
      '.md': 'retrobrews/md-games',
      '.nes': 'retrobrews/nes-games',
      '.sfc': 'retrobrews/snes-games',
      '.sms': 'retrobrews/sms-games',

      You can also pass a File object or an object with fileName and fileContent properties. The file name will be preserved when being loaded at the file system of Emulator.

      In some circumstances, you may want to launch multiple ROMs simultaneously, for example, for some arcade games with a “parent” ROM. Then you can pass an Array of any of above.

    • bios

      type: resolvable file | Array

      Basically it’s the same as the rom option. Files passed here will be written to RetroArch’s system directory.

    • state

      type: resolvable file

      since: 0.9.0

      The initial state to be loaded after launching.

    • sram

      type: resolvable file

      since: 0.12.0

      The initial sram to be loaded after launching.

    • shader

      type: string

      since: 0.7.0

      The name of a shader. By default, shader files will be loaded from libretro/glsl-shaders via jsDelivr with a loose matching logic.

      For example, if shader is 'crt/crt-easymode', then these two files will be loaded from jsDelivr:

      If you want to load a shader which does not match this pattern, you might need to customize it by implementing the resolveShader function.

      This parameter is used for simple shaders only. For some complicated cases, you might need to use the beforeLaunch parameter to write the shader files into the file system. Here is a sample snippet about how to load the crt-easymode shader by writing shader files:

      await Nostalgist.launch({
      core: 'fceumm',
      rom: 'flappybird.nes',
      async beforeLaunch(nostalgist) {
      const FS = nostalgist.getEmscriptenFS()
      const glslp = await fetch('')
      const glsl = await fetch('')
      // Put all shader files into shaders/shaders_glsl directory
      FS.writeFile('/home/web_user/retroarch/bundle/shaders/shaders_glsl/crt-easymode.glslp', await glslp.text())
      FS.writeFile('/home/web_user/retroarch/bundle/shaders/shaders_glsl/shaders/crt-easymode.glsl', await glsl.text())
      // Enable the shader in the global shader config file config/global.glslp
      '#reference /home/web_user/retroarch/bundle/shaders/shaders_glsl/crt-easymode.glslp',
    • style

      type: Object

      The CSS style for the canvas element we are using for running the emulator.

      If the canvas element is created automatically, which means the element is not specified or is an empty string '', the style will be

      backgroundColor: 'black',
      height: '100%',
      left: '0',
      position: 'fixed',
      top: '0',
      width: '100%',
      zIndex: '1',

      otherwise it will be undefined.

      The CSS rule name should be “camelCase” instead of “kebab-case”. For example, { backgroundColor: 'black' } is valid, but { 'background-color': '' } is not.

      The values of the CSS rules should be strings, not numbers. For example, { width: '800px' } is valid, but { width: 800 } is not.

    • size

      type: 'auto' | { width: number, height: number } default: 'auto'

      The size of the canvas element. If it’s 'auto', the canvas element will keep its original size, or it’s width and height will be updated as specified.

      In most cases, it is recommended to specify the size of the element through CSS or the style parameter first.

    • signal

      type: Object

      since: 0.9.0

      An AbortSignal object used for cancelling a launch.

      Here is an example,

      const abortController = new AbortController()
      // Cancel the launch after 500ms
      setTimeout(() => abortController.abort(), 500)
      const nostalgist = await Nostalgist.launch({
      core: 'fceumm',
      rom: 'flappybird.nes',
      signal: abortController.signal,
    • retroarchConfig

      type: Object

      The content you want to specify in retroarch.cfg, custom stuff like key mappings can be set using this option. Refer to libretro/RetroArch/retroarch.cfg for more information about how to config RetroArch.

      Keep in mind that not all options can take effects since we are launching RetroArch in a browser, not a native environment. And setting stdin_cmd_enable to false can cause Nostalgist.js saving or loading broken.

    • retroarchCoreConfig

      type: Object

      The content you want to specify in the core option file.

      For example,

      const nostalgist = await Nostalgist.launch({
      core: 'fceumm',
      retroarchCoreConfig: {
      fceumm_turbo_enable: 'Both',
      rom: 'flappybird.nes',
    • runEmulatorManually

      type: boolean default: false

      If set to true, Nostalgist.launch(options) will still return a emulator instance, but will not start it automatically.

      The emulator will start only when <instance>.launchEmulator is called later.

      For example,

      // will not launch the emulator
      const nostalgist = await Nostalgist.launch({
      core: 'fceumm',
      rom: 'flappybird.nes',
      runEmulatorManually: true,
      // the emulator will be launched
      await nostalgist.launchEmulator()
    • emscriptenModule

      type: Object default: {}

      An option to override the Module object for Emscripten. See Module object.

      This is a low level option and not well tested, so use it at your own risk.

      const nostalgist = await Nostalgist.launch({
      core: 'fceumm',
      emscriptenModule: {
      printErr(str) {
      rom: 'flappybird.nes',
    • respondToGlobalEvents

      type: boolean default: true

      Should user input events be bound to the global root element or the canvas element.

    • resolveCoreJs

      type: Function

      A custom function used for resolving a RetroArch core. The return value of this function should be a resolvable file.

      The function can also be asynchronous and returning a Promise of URL string.

      The original core options and the whole options will be passed to the function.

      Here is an example,

      const nostalgist = await Nostalgist.launch({
      core: 'fceumm',
      rom: 'flappybird.nes',
      resolveCoreJs(core, options) {
      // will print 'fceumm'
      // will print the whole options object: { core: 'fceumm', rom: 'flappybird.nes', ... }
      return `${core}.js`
    • resolveCoreWasm

      type: Function

      A custom function used for resolving a RetroArch core. The return value of this function should be a resolvable file.

      Here is an example,

      const nostalgist = await Nostalgist.launch({
      core: 'fceumm',
      rom: 'flappybird.nes',
      resolveCoreWasm(core, options) {
      // will print 'fceumm'
      // will print the whole options object: { core: 'fceumm', rom: 'flappybird.nes', ... }
      return `${core}.wasm`
    • resolveRom

      type: Function

      A custom function used for resolving a ROM. The return value of this function should be a resolvable file.

    • resolveBios

      type: Function

      A custom function used for resolving a BIOS. The return value of this function should be a resolvable file.

    • resolveShader

      type: Function

      since: 0.7.0

      A custom function used for resolving shader files. The return value of this function should be a resolvable file or an Array of resolvable file. The files should be some glslp and glsl files. At least one glslp file should be returned to make the shader to be applied.

    • beforeLaunch

      type: Function

      since: 0.9.0

      A custom function before the emulator is launched. The Nostalgist instance will be passed as its first parameter. You can access the file system with nostalgist.getEmscriptenFS and then read or write its content inside this function. If this function returns a Promise, the emulator will be launched when that return value is resolved.

    • onLaunch

      type: Function

      since: 0.9.0

      A custom function after the emulator is launched. The Nostalgist instance will be passed as its first parameter.


A Promise of the instance of the emulator.