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Getting Started

Try it in Devtools of your browser in this website

You can open the Devtools here(maybe Ctrl + Shift + J on Windows/Linux and + + J on macOS) and try Nostalgist.js with global variable Nostalgist. No extra setup is required.

// launch an NES game
await Nostalgist.nes('flappybird.nes')
// launch a Sega Genesis game
await Nostalgist.megadrive('30yearsofnintendont.bin')
// launch a GBA game
await Nostalgist.gba('eliminator.gba')
// or choose a ROM file from your disk
await Nostalgist.nes(await showOpenFilePicker().then(([fileHandle]) => fileHandle.getFile()))

Try it in online editors

You can also use some online editor to give it a try.

You can try Nostalgist.js in Stackblitz by hacking this example, a homebrew retro game list.

Build something more complex

If you want to use Nostialgist.js to build something cool, here are some choices to import it into your project.

Use a package manager

If you are building a modern frontend project, you can use npm or its alternatives to install it to your project.

Terminal window
npm i nostalgist

Then you can import it and start hacking.

import { Nostalgist } from 'nostalgist'
await Nostalgist.nes('flappybird')

Use a CDN

Simplely add a script tag with a CDN link to your HTML.

<script src=""></script>

Then you can use the global variable Nostalgist in your code and start hacking.

await Nostalgist.nes('flappybird')

You can also use the ESM version of Nostalgist.js with CDN.

<script type="module">
import { Nostalgist } from ''

Next steps

You may want to read the API reference.